
Improve Your Work-Life Balance

Most of us aim for work-life balance in our business, but it can be a tricky thing to do when everything gets busy. Here are 5 tips that can assist at any time of year... Read more

6 Powerful Reasons To Watch Your Financial Reports

Making time to look over your financial reports each month is an important task for any business owner. We can give you an overview of what reports you'll need to help you build a thriving business... Read more

Why Productivity Matters and What You Can Do About It

Productivity is associated with strong economies, robust businesses and efficiency gains of clever staff. If businesses were efficient, then fewer of them would fail, there's more employment and better incomes for owners and workers alike... Read more

Harnessing Tech Advancements in Retail: A Guide for Small Businesses

In today's rapidly evolving retail landscape, technology is not just a tool but a transformative force. 
For small retail businesses, embracing technological advancements can be the key to unlocking growth and staying competitive. Here's how...
Read more

Selling A Residential Property? You Only Have 60 Days To Make A Report And Pay The Tax

As a taxpayer in UK you are required to report all income and capital gains on your self assessment tax return.  The rules relating to disposal of residential property are however more demanding and need reporting and paying within 60 days... Read more

Budgeting For Success: The Importance Of Good Financial Management

A solid budget is the foundation for your company’s financial management and success. Here are 4 ways to stay in control of your business budgeting... Read more

10 Hot Questions To Ask Yourself As A Business Owner

Want to push your business to the next level? We’ve shared 10 hot questions to ask yourself as a business owner, with advice on how they will drive your growth and success... Read more

How Deep Financial Data Helps You Make Better Business Decisions

There’s a goldmine of financial data buried in your cloud accounting ledgers. We’ve dug out five of the key ways that real-time financial data can help to drive your business decisions... Read more

5 Common Accounting Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them)

Are you making any of these accounting mistakes? We’ve outlined the top 5 accounting pitfalls that small business owners trip over, so you don’t have to make the same mistakes... Read more

Will You Be Paying More Tax On Your Savings Income?

Rising interest rates could have a profound impact on the tax payable on your savings income. We break down the key points and highlight the need to discuss your investment strategy and tax planning with a professional adviser... Read more

HMRC Is Cracking Down On Additional Income Sources

Running a side hustle may bring in some extra cash, but are you declaring this income to HMRC? HMRC is cracking down on undeclared income sources and you may be affected... Read more

Can Directors and Employees Receive Gifts From the Company Tax Free?

Not sure about the tax implications of giving gifts to your employees? We’ll help you draw up internal guidance to make sure any gifts don’t unintentionally fall outside HMRC’s Trivial Benefits rules... Read more

Tax Planning Helps You Do More With Your Money

Tax may be boring, but smart use of tax planning is a superb way to help your company do more with your money... Read more

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About PAYE Codes

Do you know your BT from your NT when it comes to Pay As You Earn (PAYE) codes. We’ve got the full lowdown on what these codes mean for your tax and income...Read more

How The Increased Minimum Wage Will Affect Your Business Costs

Have you factored in the rise in the National Living Wage from April 2024? Talk to us about managing your business costs and remaining profitable... Read more

Your Business Plan

When confronted with difficulties or adversity, creating a #BusinessPlan provides clarity and steps to overcome these. Spend time planning to ensure your business is resilient and can overcome future challenges... Read more

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: A Business Owner's Guide

Imposter syndrome is a common challenge faced by many business owners. It can hinder personal growth, decision-making, and overall well-being. It impacts 70% of business owners at some point. We look at steps you can take to overcome and move forward... Read more

What's Your Money Story?

What story have you told yourself about money? For some, money means freedom and opportunity; for others, it evokes feelings of stress and lack of control. We can help you rewrite your money story so you can achieve... Read more

Meeting The Environmental Expectations Of Your Customers

Consumers are becoming increasingly green in their purchasing habits. So, we’ve pulled out five ways to make your business more green, sustainable, and eco-friendly... Read more

Managing Risk

A crisis can expose gaps in a business’s #RiskManagement processes and highlight new risks that need addressing. Developing a Risk Management Plan will help you prepare for whatever unexpected events the future may hold... Read more

Let’s Reflect and Reset for 2024

2023 provided peaks and troughs like any year. Spend time to reflect on the year that was, reset and plan for 2024. What goals will you be setting and smashing? Read more

Spreading Your January Self-Assessment Payment

Worried about paying your self-assessment tax bill? We’ll review your financial situation and whether you meet the criteria for a time-to-pay arrangement with HMRC... Read more

Merry Christmas From Our Team

As 2023 draws to a close, we'd like to thank all of our clients for working with us and look forward to working closely together next year. From our team to yours, have a relaxing and safe holiday break!... Read more

Taking Care Of Data Regulation And Ticking The Right Compliance Boxes

Your organisation collects huge amounts of customer data - but how do you keep this data safe? We’ve got the lowdown on meeting your data compliance requirements... Read more

Are Employee Parties Tax-Free?

Not sure if your annual staff function is tax-deductible? Come and talk to us. We’ll explain the rules and can help you claim against your company party costs... Read more

Tax E-News - Autumn Statement

In the Autumn Statement, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt promised 110 measures to grow the economy. We outline the main points... Read more

What Business Taxes Will Your Company Need To Pay?

Are you in the dark when it comes to business taxes? We’ve got the lowdown on the key taxes your new business will need to pay – so you’re on top of your tax liabilities... Read more

5 Ways To Overcome Economic Uncertainty

We live in uncertain financial times, where running a successful business can be a challenge. We’ve highlighted five strategies for navigating economic uncertainty.. Read more

Plain English Guide To Depreciation

Get to grips with accounting for depreciation in our Plain English guide to depreciation... Read more

It's Tough At The Top (And That's Why You Need A Business Coach)

It’s tough at the top, and that’s why you need an experienced business coach to work with. We’ve highlighted the key benefits that an independent coach brings to you and your business... Read more

Knowing The Tax Impact Of Using A Company Car

Do you know the tax implications of a company car? We can explain the impact of a company car on your benefits in kind (BIK) and company taxable costs... Read more

Back to Tax Basics: How Capital Allowances Reduce Your Tax Bill

Are you planning to purchase some major fixed assets? Talk to us about the available capital allowances, super-deduction and the potentially positive impact on your cashflow...Read more

5 Vital Things To Set Up Before You Pass Away

Thinking about end-of-life planning might sound morbid. But by planning ahead, you remove the worry and hassle for your loved ones and secure your long-term legacy... Read more

Charging Interest On a Directors' Loan Account

Charging interest on your Directors' Loan Accounts (DLA) could be a smart move, helping you become more tax efficient. Dive into our DLA explainer and find out how... Read more

What's The Difference Between Statutory And Management Accounts?

Do you know the difference between your statutory accounts and your management accounts? We’ve highlighted the main differences and why both are vital information for your business... Read more

4 Key Areas To Think About When Purchasing A Buy-to-let Property

Thinking of purchasing a buy-to-let property? Here are 4 key things to consider before you dive into the rental market, with tips on finance, tax planning, and legal structure. Read more

5 Challenges For Small Business - And How To Beat Them!

Want to know how to beat the most common business challenges?
We’ve highlighted five common challenges and the simple ways to overcome them.
Read more

10 Ways To Improve Business Performance

Supercharge your business with some simple tips. Eliminate distractions & bad customers, get a plan, use tech, deploy marketing and understand your business numbers. We've got lots more ideas to improve performance - talk to us... Read more

What Are The Risks Of Taking Out A Personal Guarantee On A Loan?

Do you know the risks of offering a personal guarantee on a business loan? We’ve outlined all the key risks to think about when entering into a loan agreement.... Read more

3 Cloud Accounting Tips to Save Your Business Time and Money

Accounting tasks don’t have to eat into your business time. With the right cloud accounting software, you can save time and money – while also getting tighter control over your finances..... Read more

Driving Your Business With Reporting

Why wait until the year's end to review your financial results? With regular reports, you can respond quickly to issues and stay on track to achieving your goals! We can generate regular reports and hold you accountable for reviewing them! Read more

How Does The Substantial Shareholding Exemption Help Your Business Sale?

When selling your limited company, planning ahead makes good business sense. Setting up a group structure allows you to benefit from the Substantial Shareholding Exemption.... Read more

4 Considerations When Buying Property Through Your Business

Thinking about buying a property through your company? Here are 4 major considerations to have on your radar.... Read more

The Top Tax-effective Benefits to Offer Employees

Offering tax-effective benefits to your employees goes a long way to creating a more satisfied, happy and productive workforce. Talk to us about the available benefits and the tax implications... Read more

Back to Tax Basics: How Capital Allowances Reduce Your Tax Bill

Are you planning to purchase some major fixed assets? Talk to us about the available capital allowances, super-deduction and the potentially positive impact on your cashflow... Read more

Selling Your Business: What are the Tax Implications?

Planning on selling your limited company business? You have the choice of selling the trade, or selling your shares – but which option is the most tax efficient? Read more

Capital Allowance Changes From April 2023

The Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, in his Spring Budget unveiled the successor to the capital allowances super-deduction which ends on 31 March 2023. This note highlights some planning points arising from this change... Read more

New UK Corporation Tax Rates from April 2023

UK corporation tax rates change from April 2023. We’ve summarised the big changes and explained the importance of working these new rates into your business tax planning... Read more

Spring Budget 2023 – the Key Points for Business Owners

The Spring Budget was more of a sedate affair than an explosion of helpful economic measures. We’ve summarised the main business points and what they could mean for your company... Read more

What is Principal Private Residence Relief?

If you’re selling a property, Principal Private Residence Relief (PPR) needs to be on your radar. Talk to us about how PPR can reduce or eliminate your capital gains tax liability...Read more

Business Costs and the Increase to the Minimum Wage

Have you factored in the rise in the National Living Wage from April 2023? Talk to us about managing your business costs and remaining profitable... Read more

Holiday Homes. Meeting Your Tax Obligations

HMRC have sent ‘nudge’ letters to individuals who they believe have undeclared income from letting holiday homes and short term lets on sites such as Airbnb and Read more

Getting Your Personal Tax in Order Before the Year-End

With the tax year-end coming to a close, now is the time to assess your personal tax plan. We’ll help you review your wealth planning and minimise your tax liabilities... Read more

What Should Be On A VAT Invoice?

Are you VAT-registered? Are you complying with the regulations when sending out VAT invoices and claiming against supplier invoices? We’ll give your invoice process a review to make sure you’re ticking all the boxes...Read more

5 Ways to Get in Control of Your Business Finances

We’ve got 5 simple ways to get more from your finances – by embracing the latest in digital accounting and finance apps... Read more

Business Plant And Equipment: Buy Or Lease?

Buying vs leasing – which one is best for business equipment and plant? How can you figure out the best choice for your situation?... Read more

Review the Year That's Been and Plan for the Year Ahead

Conducting a past-year review with an experienced advisor will provide valuable insights for this year's goal-setting. What will you do differently this year to enable your business to thrive?... Read more

5 Goal-setting Tips for 2023

Effective goal setting will help you get the very best out of 2023. Our 5 goal-setting tips will help small business owners reach new heighs this year... Read more

Is Your Business Focused Enough on Cyber-Security?

Keeping your data safe can be a big worry for The UK's digital businesses. Now’s the ideal
time to get your cyber security reviewed, updated and tightened – before there's a breach!... Read more

Are Employee Parties Tax-free?

Not sure if your annual staff function is tax-deductible? Come and talk to us. We’ll explain the rules and can help you claim against your company party costs.... Read more

Quick Tips: What counts as a ‘trivial gift’?

Did you know you can give ‘trivial gifts’ to your employees without any tax consequences? But what counts as trivial when it comes to gifts? We explain the rules....Read more

What Are Self-Assessment ‘Payments On Account’?

Do you know what ‘payments on account’ are? If you earn income outside of your usual day job, you really need to know about payments on account and how the income tax system works... Read more

How to Claim Repair Expenses on Your Rental Property

Confused about which repair costs for your rental properties are tax deductible? We’ve got your 101 guide to claiming repair expenses, and how to tell if they’re capital or revenue expenditure... Read more

Business Tips: Making the Most of Digital and Cloud

Going digital is a no-brainer for any forward-thinking business. We’ve summarised the big advantages of embracing cloud tech and a digital business model... Read more

Could You Be Personally Liable For Your Company Taxes?

Did you know it’s possible to become personally liable for your company taxes? We’ve got the intell re Joint and Several Liability Notices and how they could affect your personal finances... Read more

Bringing Your Cashflow Processes Into the Digital Age

When economic times are tough, it helps to be in control of your cashflow. We explain how to improve your cashflow – and how this helps you run your business through tough times... Read more

Energy Bill Relief Scheme – How to Reduce Your Business Costs

Did you know the new Energy Bill Relief Scheme (EBRS) is about to cut your energy bills? We’ve got a summary of how the EBRS works, plus five ways to help reduce your energy consumption and overheads... Read more

National Insurance Changes Have Now Been Reversed

The current increase to National Insurance contributions (NICs) was reversed in the #minibudget. We’ll help you understand the implications and how to adjust your payroll.... Read more

Mini Budget or Fiscal Disaster? What the Chancellor Announced

Was Kwasi Kwarteng’s ‘mini budget’, a plan for growth, or a fiscal disaster? We’ve taken a further look and here is the lowdown on all the key measures that were announced on 23 September... Read more

Why Are Some Expenses Not Allowed For Tax?

Do you know which business expenses are allowable and which are not? We’ve explained the key allowable and disallowable costs, so you can maximise your tax planning...
Read more

Setting Your Goals For A Business Exit

Thinking about selling your business? We’ve got some important advice on setting the right goals for your business exit... Read more

Economic Threats Your Business Needs To Plan For

The Bank of England is predicting that the UK will fall into recession. We’ve highlighted some of the big economic threats to plan for in the second half of 2022... Read more

Tax on Gifts to Employees & Directors

Not sure about the tax implications of giving gifts to your employees? We’ll help you draw up internal guidance to make sure any gifts don’t unintentionally fall outside HMRC’s Trivial Benefits rules... Read more

Shortening Your Cash Conversion Cycle To Free Up Your Cash

Covid-19 highlighted the importance of managing your cash conversion cycle & reducing how long cash is tied up in the sales process. More money won’t solve your problems if you don’t manage your cash conversion cycle!... Read more

How to Coax Your People Back to the Office

Want to entice your workforce back to the office? We’ve got top tips for making your work environment more inviting and a better place for face-to-face collaboration... Read more

5 Quick Wins for a Greener Business

How green is your business? You’ve got to be sustainable if you want to keep up with changing consumer trends – so here are 5 quick ways to get started...
Read more

Should I Get an Electric Car?

Choosing an electric vehicle (EV) as a company car makes a lot of sense in 2022. We outline the eco and tax benefits of opting for an EV over an internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV)... Read more

Business tips: Have you achieved your goal for the business?

Have you achieved the goal you set out to achieve as a new startup? We’ve posed 5 important questions for you to ask yourself – before you take the next step in your business journey... Read more

Keeping your Data Safe as a Remote Worker

We’ve all been doing a lot more remote working in recent times. But have you thought about the security implications of using your device on a public network?.... Read more

6 Secrets to Getting Prompt Payment

Keeping positive cash flow is really important for a small business. Late payments can cause big issues, so stay on top of your invoicing with a proactive strategy. Sometimes it just takes a phone call... Read more

Writing Off an Outstanding Directors’ Loan

Do you have outstanding directors’ loans to repay? If you’re struggling to make the repayments, writing off the directors’ loan account may be a good solution. We give you the lowdown... Read more

Hire Purchase or Lease Rental: Which is Best for Your Business?

Thinking of buying or renting a new business asset? We’ll help you understand the difference between hire purchase and lease rental (and how each option affects your tax and cashflow)... Read more

Business Tips: Improving Your Credit Score

Did you know the impact that a poor credit score can have on your business? We’ve highlighted 5 ways to improve your credit rating and reduce your risk level... Read more

Are You Suffering From Business Burnout?

Are you feeling burned out from your business? There are some simple strategies to regain enthusiasm. Talk to us about how we can relieve the stress by managing systems, tech, payroll or other financial administration. We'll back your recovery... Read more

Business Tips: Getting in Control of Your Spending

A few simple steps can help to cut down your business expenses. We’ll help you spot the areas where costs can be cut and use the latest tech to manage the numbers.... Read more

Could Your Business Survive Without You?

Would your business fall apart without you? What’s your Plan B in case of accident, illness, or just so you can take an occasional holiday? If you were thinking of selling it, what’s your exit strategy?... Read more

Taking Out Cash for Directors vs Sole Traders

If you’ve just moved from being a sole trader to a director, you may get caught out when withdrawing cash from the business. The rules are different. We’ll help you tick all the right boxes and keep your finances compliant.... Read more

Business Tips - Scaling Up Your Business And Workforce

Is your startup ready to scale up? We’ll help you build a viable scale-up plan, with costings, budgets and achievable targets to meet.... Read more

What Are The Benefits Of Lifetime Gifts?

Are you planning on leaving substantial assets to your nearest and dearest? We’ll explain the inheritance tax (IHT) benefits of giving gifts during your lifetime and the benefits of IHT planning.... Read more

The Importance Of Business Development

Want to expand your business development activity, but don’t know how? We’ll help you highlight the opportunities and draw up the best possible plan for your BD activities....Read more

Do You Need To Complete A Self-Assessment Return?

Have you disclosed your personal income and gains to HMRC? If not, you may need to submit a self-assessment tax return. We explain why and how.... Read more

How the Increased Minimum Wage Will Affect Your Business Costs

Business costs are on the rise? Have you factored in the rise in the National Living Wage? Talk to us about managing your business costs and remaining profitable... Read more

What Is Rent-A-Room Relief?

Thinking of renting out a room in your house? We can explain the benefits of claiming rent-a-room relief to simplify the tax and admin implications.... Read more

Quick Tips: What Are Statutory Payment Rates?

The rates of statutory payments like sick pay and maternity pay go up in April 2022. Are you ready to incorporate these changes when running payroll?... Read more

High Inflation: What Does It Mean For Your Business?

Inflation is hitting hard – what does it mean for your business? The downsides, a couple of potential positives, and how to get in touch to figure out how much you should raise your prices... Read more

Do I Need A Remuneration Strategy?

Do you have a remuneration strategy in place? If not, we’ll help you to review your business finances and private wealth and generate a remuneration strategy that’s tax-efficient, straightforward and well-suited to your cash needs...Read more

What’s Better for my Tax Position: Cohabiting, Marriage or Civil Partnership?

Did you know that your marital status can have an impact on your tax position? Book a financial health check with us to find out how your relationship status may affect the tax you pay... Read more

Capital Gains Tax for Residential Properties – What You Need to Know

Are you planning on disposing of a residential property? We’ll help you understand the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) implications and can help you apply for any relevant tax reliefs..... Read more

Getting ready for the extension of Making Tax Digital 

Are you ready for the extension to Making Tax Digital? If you’re VAT-registered, or submit a self-assessment income tax return, now’s the time to start preparing. Get in touch for the details... Read more

5 Tips Goal-setting Tips for the Year

Effective goal setting will help you get the very best out of the year. Our 5 goal-setting tips will help small business owners reach new highs..
.. Read more

Spreading your January Self-assessment Payment

Worried about paying your self-assessment tax bill? We’ll review your financial situation and advise you on whether you meet the criteria for a time-to-pay arrangement with HMRC... Read more

Quick Tips: What counts as a ‘trivial gift’?

Did you know you can give ‘trivial gifts’ to your employees without any tax consequences? But what counts as trivial when it comes to gifts? We explain the rules....Read more

Christmas Gifts For Your Customers And Team

It’s time to start thinking about Christmas gifts – how should you reward your team and thank your top customers?
We've got some ideas and can help you run the numbers for your Christmas budget.... Read more

Are Employee Parties Tax-free?

Not sure if your annual staff function is tax-deductible? Come and talk to us. We’ll explain the rules and can help you claim against your company party costs.... Read more

Fundamental Three to Successfully Scale up your Business

Looking to scale your business? Many leaders focus on improving systems and teams, but you must also scale yourself to meet the new demands on your time and attention. We can help develop your #LeadershipSkills for your next business frontier.!... Read more

Back to Tax Basics: Capital Gains Tax for Directors

Planning on selling any large assets? We’ve got everything you need to know about Capital Gains Tax (CGT) and the impact it can have on your wealth planning as a director... Read more

Do You Have Direct Debits and Online Payments Set Up for Your Business?

Do you have direct debits and online payments set up to make it easy for your customers to pay you? Talk to us today about implementing online payment systems to reduce admin time, improve the accuracy of your accounts and get paid quicker... Read more

Back to Tax Basics: How Capital Allowances Reduce Your Tax Bill

Are you planning to purchase some major fixed assets? Talk to us about the available capital allowances, super-deduction and the potentially positive impact on your cashflow...Read more

The Recovery Loan Scheme has been extended – are you eligible?

The Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS) has been extended until June 2022. We’ll help you gauge your eligibility and provide the financial projections needed by approved RLS lenders... Read more

Making your business attractive to Gen Z talent

Gen Z now make up 24% of the workforce – but is your business culture attuned to the needs of this new generation? Find out how to evolve your company and attract Gen Z talent... Read more

Is Your Business Focused Enough on Cyber Security?

Keeping your data safe can be a big worry for today’s digital businesses. Now’s the ideal
time to get your cyber security reviewed, updated and tightened – before there's a breach!... Read more

Redefining Success

Are you a business owner? It’s important to redefine your plan and goals to ensure the business delivers your revised definition of personal, business, and team success. Get in touch to redefine success and set goals to achieve this... Read more

The Impact of the New National Insurance Changes

Increases to National Insurance contributions (NICs) are on the way. But do you know the full implications for you and your business? We’ve got the lowdown!... Read more

Do I Need a Remuneration Strategy?

Do you have a remuneration strategy in place? If not, we’ll help you to review your business finances and private wealth and generate a remuneration strategy that’s tax-efficient, straightforward and well-suited to your cash needs!... Read more

4 Common Cash Flow Mistakes that Small Business Owners Make

We’ve put together a list of the most common cash flow mistakes business owners make so that you can avoid these traps and keep your company in good financial stead... Read more

4 Ways to Grow Your Small Business Revenue

Growing your small business can be challenging and there’s a lot to think about. However, you didn’t go into business by yourself to take the easy route and there are plenty of things you can do to grow your revenue. Let’s take a look at four of the most effective ways to dramatically increase your turnover... Read more

Now, Where, How

Let us tell you about the Now, Where, How mindset that help will help you recognise where you are now, then clarify where you want to be in the future, and determine how your going to get there!... Read more

How do share buybacks work?

When you head up a limited company, there will come a time where one of your current shareholders wants to retire from the company. A share buyback is one way to deal with this. Let us help you understand this better!... Read more

Should I Employ Family Members in my Business?

If you run your own business, it’s tempting to bring in your own family into the company. But it’s important to think through both the positive and negative implications of employing your family. Let us Break it down for you!...Read more

P is for Purpose, not Profit

A business cash flow forecast will give you vital business intelligence to help you scenario-plan, search for cost-savings and look for strategies that will preserve your cashflow position... Read more

The Four Cash Flow Forecasting Blunders That Lead to an Inaccurate Financial Picture

Your purpose is three to seven words explaining why your business exists for your customers; it should be about them, not you. It is a small statement with immense power - your reason for being. Let us show you how you can think smarter!... Read more

7 Strategies to Manage Cash Flow in Your Small Business

As a small business owner, cash flow may well feel like the bane of your life but we have seven strategies to make this process easier and ensure that your company stays on track for financial success. Let’s take a look... Read more

image about The Man on the Moon Principle

The Man on the Moon Principle

In 1961, landing on the moon seemed impossible. The Man on the Moon Principle breaks massive goals into milestones or smaller goals to aim towards on the way to achieving an ultimate goal. Need help achieving yours?...Read more

Getting Back to Business

Success in 2021 will look different to previous years. Have you defined what success looks like for you in 2021? Are you focusing on what you can control? We can help you with your plan and hold you accountable to achieving it...Read more

It's Time to Start Paying Back The Bounce Back Loans

The time has come to start paying back the capital and the interest on the loans that you took out in the early days of Covid. So, what can you do if you are unable to pay back the loan? Let us explain the options available to you...Read more

The Golden Circle

Successful businesses focus on their why rather than what they do. The Golden Circle, developed by #SimonSinek shows that articulating your why attracts the right fit team and customers. What’s your why?...Read more

Do You Feel Like a Slave to Your Business?

Feeling like a slave to your business? It’s your business, you make the rules. No more excuses! What do you need to do to regain control? We can help with tailored accountability coaching!... Read more

10 Ways to Lift Your Margin

There’s always room for improvement at the margin; small tweaks can massively boost your bottom line! How much extra would a 1% increase in gross margin give you?... Read more

The Value of Cashflow Forecasting During A Crisis

A business cash flow forecast will give you vital business intelligence to help you scenario-plan, search for cost-savings and look for strategies that will preserve your cashflow position... Read more

The Five A’s of Change - achieving continuous improvement

Covid has been a powerful catalyst for change. Going forward, how can we consciously use the process of change to continuously improve our business? Use the 5 A’s of Change: Awareness, Acceptance, Action, Accountability & Acknowledgement... Read more

Are Loans To Directors and Employees Tax Free?  

Do you know the rules around director’s loans? If you withdraw money from your company other than for salaries or declared dividends, you should come and talk to us... Read more

Can I Claim a Research and Development Allowance?

Is your business carrying out R&D work? If so, you may be eligible for a research and development tax relief. We’ll let you know if your R&D work is eligible and can also help you prepare a claim... Read more

Top Tips For Successfully Securing Funding For Your Business

Applying for funding is tough. Ensure you have all the data to prove the viability of your business, in order to secure the support. We have the experience and tools to help with your funding drive... Read more

Impact of the New IR35 off-Payroll Working Rules on Contractors

(published 19.03.2021)

The IR35 off-payroll working rules are changing. If you’re a contractor, come and talk to us about the impact on your work status, income and tax liabilities... Read more

Is Your Business Ready for Hybrid Working?

(published 12.03.2021)

Want to embrace the future of work? Talk to us about reviewing your business model, software systems, and people strategy to help you get ready for hybrid working... Read more

Your Budget 2021 summary

(published 08.3.2021)

Chancellor Rishi Sunak unveiled the contents of his Budget in the House of Commons last week. Declaring that he will do “whatever it takes” to help business and people through the “moment of crisis” caused by the coronavirus pandemic, Sunak laid out a three-point economic plan to fix the public finances and build the future economy... Read more

Getting your Personal Tax in order before the year-end

(published 5.3.2021)

With the tax year-end coming to a close, now is the time to assess your personal tax plan. We’ll help you review your wealth planning and minimise your tax liabilities... Read more

VAT Deferral Scheme UPDATE

(published 26.02.2021)

Did you defer your VAT bill? The good news is that there’s a new HMRC payment scheme for paying your deferred VAT. Talk to your accountants or us to find out more... Read more

Can I Apply for a Bounce Back Loan (BBL)?

(published 12.02.2021)

It’s been a tough time, both financially and operationally, for the UK’s small businesses. So, getting an injection of additional funding into your business may be something that would greatly improve your cashflow, working capital and ability to ride out the Covid crisis... Read more

Pricing Strategies and How to Set the Best Price

(published 05.2.2021)

Are you hitting the right price point? We’ll analyse your current pricing strategy, review your prices and suggest the best way to improve your margins and profitability.... Read more

Staying Afloat And Thriving Through A Downturn 

(published 29.1.2021)

Coping with a sudden downturn is no walk in the park. If you’re looking to improve your business planning or improve your financial model, do come and talk to us... Read more

Leveraging Your Technology

(published 22.01.2021)

Using technology to streamline your processes and systems increases efficiency, saving time and money, and reducing stress. Need help to identify how you can use technology to make your business more sustainable, scalable, and saleable?... Read more

Leadership Lessons: JUST FOR ME

(published 06.01.2021)

There are thousands of books written about leadership. We’ve distilled some lessons from some of them into the acronym JUST FOR ME - nine things within your control to help you become a more effective leader... Read more

Are We A Cost Or An Investment?

(published 20.11.2020)

As accountants, we're always helping our clients find ways to reduce their overhead costs - one of the seven ways to grow your business. Did you know that your accounting fees are an overhead cost? Should you be cutting this cost? Or do you view us as an investment?... Read more

What Do You Want From Your Business?

(published 28.10.2020)

When you started your business, you probably dreamed about flexible hours and highly profitable, stimulating work... Read more

Demystifying Your Balance Sheet

(published 21.10.2020)

Do you understand the story your Balance Sheet tells about your business? It’s important you understand the components of your Balance Sheet and the key ratios that measure the health of your business... Read more

Don't Neglect Your Balance Sheet

(published 13.10.2020)

Your business may be profitable but is it solvent? Your Balance Sheet is a key indicator of solvency, neglect it at your peril! Profitable businesses can & do go broke... Read more

Your Critical Numbers

(published 28.9.2020)

The Covid-19 crisis has created a “new normal” for businesses. Traditional ways of working are being challenged and we now need to innovate, adapt, re-engineer, and reinvent the way we work... Read more

How To Use Forecasts And Scenario-Planning

(published 19.8.2020)

With the right data analysis and forecasting tools, you can project sales, cash, revenue, and profits into the future – and get in control of your business... Read more

Understanding Your Revenue Drivers

(published 14.8.2020)

What actually drives the revenue levels? And how do you get in control of these drivers?... Read more

Reducing Lock-Up Days To Free Up Cash

(published 11.8.2020)

It’s vital for businesses to free up as much cash as possible, particularly in these tough economic times. Your ‘lock-up days’ is the number of days it takes to convert your debtors, stock, and work in progress into cash... Read more

Increasing Stock Turn In A Slow-moving Economy

(published 7.8.2020)

If you sell stock or inventory, it’s essential you understand stock turn and how to increase it. Obsolete, or ‘dead’ stock will harm your cash flow and your ability to increase profit, particularly in a slower-moving economy... Read more

6 Reasons To Look At Your Financial Reports

(published 4.8.2020)

If you are not taking the time to look over your financial reports either because you’re too busy, or perhaps you don’t really understand what you’re looking at and it doesn’t make sense to you, then here are 6 reasons we recommend that you should start to... Read more

Cash Is Not Profit And Vice Versa

(published 31.7.2020)

The purpose of a business is to make money, and that means you have to know the difference between profit and cashflow... Read more

The Fundamentals Of A Business Budget

(published 28.7.2020)

A business budget is one of the essential tools in managing your business finances and actively building your business... Read more

Understanding Your Working Capital To Maintain Business

(published 24.7.2020)

If cash-flow is the lifeblood of your business, then working capital is the health check you should regularly undertake to keep your business alive... Read more

Create A-One Page Business Plan

(published 21.7.2020)

To make a success of your business, you’re going to need a robust business plan - particularly as we face challenging times. With a one-page business plan behind you, the company has a real sense of strategic direction and a set of core goals to refer to and track against... Read more

Reinventing Your Product And Service Offering Post-Covid

(published 26.6.2020)

During times of crisis, we’re forced to reinvent the way we work and what we work on to remain sustainable. From technology adoption to product innovation and blowing up stale processes, a crisis forces us to start with a fresh page and plan for a better, more resilient business... Read more

Facing Challenges? Change Your Mindset

(published 23.6.2020)

The challenges you face provide opportunities to learn and grow and might give you the ability to set your business apart... Read more

Reduce Your Debtor Days And Improve Your Cashflow

(published 19.6.2020)

Managing the gap between receiving money into your business and paying money out of your business is vital for sustaining viability... Read more

Dealing With Uncertainty - Tips For Business Owners

(published 26.5.2020)

We’re trading in challenging times at present. And knowing what step to take next is a key worry... Read more

How To Create A Cash Flow Forecast For Your Business

(published 09.5.2020)

A cash flow forecast is an important tool for business planning. And right now, understanding the cash coming in and going out of your business is vital... Read more

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